Hey y'all! It was a short week this week but busy none the less.
We had pday on Wednesday this last week bc of our zone going to the temple. We went to the oquirrh mountain temple which was sooo beautiful! Then we had Chick-fil-A for lunch afterwards. Apparently they have a missionary discount at the Chick-fil-As around here and it was like $3
🏼 sooooo good. Then we went home and did the usual and went to a zone activity later where we played volleyball and soccer. The after we had dinner with the xochipa family who are awesome. And then we had a lesson with Eduardo and Maria again who we went to temple square with them last week.
Thursday was pretty good too. We had a lesson planned with Itzy and Alicia that morning but it turned out to only be itzy. Alicia had to work last minute so we didn't get to follow up on the Book of Mormon we gave her. But we brought hermana Pacheco with us who's a member in our ward. She's so cute. But we talked to her about miracles and seeing the lords hand in our lives. We shared a scripture with her in alma about miracles too (I forgot where it was) but she loved that scripture and said she would start to look for the miracles in her life every day. Then after that lesson we did weekly planning and then went and did some service for an inactive lady in the ward who's single and has 6 kids
but she's so funny. We also went so we could help her clean her house and sweep and mop and everything. Then for our dinner apt we had dinner with Stephanie and her family! Her step mom is from Colombia and she made some super good food. We're starting to develop a better relationship with her dad which was pretty hard in the beginning bc he was always judging us and being kinda closed off. But now he is opening up a lot more and is being really nice to us! We shared a scripture with them after and asked if they had any friends or neighbors who might want the gospel and they gave us some friends who live in west valley. That isn't in our area but we passed it on to the missionaries over there.
Friday was crazy! We had a lesson with Jazmine in the morning. She was the one we got from the elders a while ago who was almost baptized. But we have been teachimg her and she's opening up more to us. She was really shy in the beginning and now she talks a lot more. But we brought a member with us this time, Hermana Swenson, she has 2 kids the same age as hers so they were able to play while we talked with her! We talked about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. Then right in the middle of that her baby daddy came in and made things super awkwArd and uncomfortable again. The elders teach him bc he lives in their area and he's got some problems. But we finished up with her and invited her to pray about the Book of Mormon and Jospeh smith and she said she would! Then later that night after dinner we helped some elders in our district with an apartment complex they have. They had soooooooo many referrals in there. Like so many. So there were like 3 other companionships and we knocked all the doors in the whole place and found their referrals and even got some more for them! It was super fun because we normally don't knock doors bc it's Utah, but surprisingly there were hardly any members in this place and if they were they were less active! So we got a lot of appointments set up for them and the English elders in their area too.
On Saturday morning our car started having some problems so our vehicle coordinator told us to take it into the dealership asap. So we did and for the next little bit we're walking! I didn't realize how spoiled we were with our car until we were walking in the snow all day in 26 degree weather
soooooooo cold. Omg. The English elders in our area texted us later and asked why we were walking and we told them that our car got stolen lol. They believed us too
it was a good joke. But yeah so walking in our area is a little harder because our area is pretty big. For y'all who live in the peachtree city ward boundaries, that's about how big our area is that we're covering. It's huge for walking. So we group a lot of referrals that we had in different areas so we've been contacting them based on the area that they live in. Its kinda fun though! I'd be down to walk all the time when it gets warmer.
Then on Sunday we had some meetings and church! Church was great! We had quite a few people at church this week so that's really good. Hermana Ávalos had to translate a talk up on the stand bc members of the high counsel were speaking. She did a good job! She was having a hard time bc the guy she was translating for used a lot of big complicated words. But it all made sense what she said! So that's great. Then we had dinner with the relief society president and her husband and family. They're crazy but they're so awesome. Me and Ávalos both (on accident but not a coincidence) studied in alma 31 that morning. So we shared verse 35 and it's soooo good y'all!
35 Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are our brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee.
We talked about how each and every one of us are gods children and he wants the best for us in our lives. Each person in our lives are there for a reason and when we see them as our brothers and sisters under Heavenly Father and have that mindset we can be instruments in the lords hands and help bring them to Christ! So we invited them to pray this week to be instruments in the lords hands for someone in their lives whether it be at school or at work or something. It's so important for us to look at eachother the way that god looks at us! He sees us for our potential and knows we can change for the better in our lives.
I hope y'all have a great week! God loves y'all!
Con queso,
Hermana anderson
Made a snowman at the dealership
Dead after a long day haha