Hey y'all I hope everybody had a great week. This week has been so long because we went to the temple today so our pday got moved to Wednesday instead of Monday. So we've been going a while without a break! But this week was amazing seriously!
Monday we just had a chill pday. Then we went to la familia de Leon's house to teach them a lesson! All of their kids have been baptized, but since the parents had some legal troubles with getting married they haven't been able to get baptized yet. But it's really weird because they have callings in church and they have given talks. But anyway their legal problems have been fixed and they are thinking about getting married soon. We went and talked to them about the plan of salvation and how through the atonement we will all be able to live with our families and heavenly father again after this life. They are awesome and they are probably going to get married soon!! Then after that lesson, we had a lesson with Jade! She got baptized this Saturday!! more about that in a second
On Tuesday we had zone conference with both of the Spanish zones. It was so amazing!! The theme was on the plan of salvation and how we can teach it to our investigators in a more simple way. We talked about every little detail of the plan of salvation so that we could understand it on a deeper level. Then with this knowledge President said that we would better be able to simplify it so that they could understand it! It was soooooo cool man. I love president palmer. Then after zone conference you went home and had lunch and then we got Jade's baptism information together so that we could send it to the bishop! It was a little stressful but we got it done. Then we had another lesson with la familia Manrique. The daughter Stephanie is nine years old and she hasn't been baptized yet because of some family problems. But we've been teaching her and she's learning a lot! She's so cute. with the things that are going on her family, she won't be able to get baptized for a while but we're still able to teach her and help her learn about the gospel!
On Wednesday we had exchanges with the sister training leaders. They are awesome! I stayed in magna and hermana Messisco came here with me. She served here a year ago so she was super pumped to see the people in her ward. But y'all, this day was completely packed! I was so nervous to be here without Ávalos because since she drives, I don't know my way around and I don't really know where anybody lives. But it all worked out OK! We had about an hour in the beginning where we didn't have anything confirmed. So we went to go visit this less active family that we teach sometimes. They've been active and in active for a long time. But the last time me and Avalos went to go visit her she said that she really really wanted to come back to church and to feel the spirit more in her life. So when Hermana Messisco came with me to this lesson we just talk to her and got to know her a little bit more. Because usually whenever we go see her, she usually talks to Avalos because she's Latina and knows Spanish way better than I do. She's an awesome lady! We talk to her about her baptism and what she felt whenever she got baptized, and we talked about the baptismal covenants that we make whatever we are baptized. We then read a little bit out of Mosiah 18 and invited the rest of her family to read it together! It was suuuccchhh a great lesson y'all. The whole family was there, and I've never met them all before. So it was great to have them all in the discussion. The. After that lesson we went to drop off a gift for a pregnant lady in the ward. She's so adorable and they're naming their baby Nirvana. Lol. The dad really loves that band. And then we went to a new investigators house that we got last week from the elders who was almost baptized but backed out at the last minute. It was kinda weird and then her baby daddy showed up and the elders told us some crazy stories about him. He kinda made the whole situation uncomfortable so we just testified of repentance and baptism and we were there for a long time bc he just talked and talked and talked. But we invited the girl, jasmine to be baptized on feb 18th and she said yes! So we're working with her and her family rn. Then after we had dinner and had some bomb tacos at this lady's house. Like BOMB tacos y'all. We found this scripture last week in alma 26:2-3. It talks about the blessings of the gospel and how we are so lucky to have it in our life's! It also talks about how other people live in darkness and sadness because they don't know of the wonderful gift of the atonement and Jesus Christ. So this scripture has been helping members get into a mindset of missionary work and coming out with us/helping us get referrals! So good.
Then on Thursday we had one more lesson in the morning with itzy. She's been less active for a while. But she just recently had a friend move into her basement from Mexico for the next 6 months (!!!!!!) and she is super awesome y'all. Her name is Alicia and she loooovvveeess Jesus. She said she liked seeing the missionaries around Mexico because she knew that they were giving their lives for the next few years to the lord and she really admired that. So we got to talking about Christ and how he's played a role in our lives and it was great! Then we were talking about prayer and I shared James 1:5 and we talked a little bit about that and then hermana Messisco brought up the Book of Mormon! Alicia had never heard about it but she said she loved the Bible. She asked us if she could get a copy and read it and we were like OMG YES OF COURSE! She's great. So we're excited to teach her again this week! Then we met up and ended exchanges and Ávalos and I did weekly planning. Then we met with jade and Miguel. Jade was awesome as always. We had a lesson planned for Miguel that might but it didn't end up going as planned. He's been having some hard times recently because he's away from his family who's in Mexico and he's the only member. So we helped him with that and shared this cool video that Ávalos had saved on her iPad. It was about getting through trials and how Christ knows exactly how to help us and give us peace when we're going through hard stuff.
Friday was chill. We had district meeting and then contacted referrals for most of the day. Then we had jades baptismal interview and she passed!!
Saturday was JADES BAPTISM!!! She's so cute y'all. I freaking love her. Ávalos' old comp came that helped teach her too and jade was so happy to see her. The service was so spiritual and amazing. The best part was that jades dad was able to baptize her after being inactive for a long time! I'm telling y'all anyone can come back. Afterwards she got really emotional and normally she's crazy and hyper so we really knew that she felt it. I've never been so excited for someone ever! She told us that she wants to get to the temple asap so that's her next goal. Also her family has been inactive for a long time so they were never sealed. So the family will be working on getting to the temple all together too!
Sunday jade was confirmed at church by her grandpa, who's the Spanish stake patriarch, and it was also so great. She was so pumped to be an official member after that! She even gave the closing prayer in sacrament meeting. Ugh she's so cuter!
Monday was a struggle bc our bodies were used to it being pday. But it wasn't. Haha. But we contacted another referral that we got from the elders who also knew another investigator from a while ago. So that was cool! But they weren't that interested so it's all good. Then we visited this lady that has some super bad health problems and isn't able to go to church because of them. So we talked to her for like a super long time and she was super happy about that. Then we had a lesson with Elida who is getting baptized on the 28th! She's so pumped too. Her kids were baptized a year ago and they have plans to go to the temple and do baptisms together the first week of feb.
Then on Tuesday we did some service for this less active lady, and then our dinner cancelled on us so she fed us dinner too! She's sooooooo nice. We were able to have a lesson with her family as well and we talked about how God loves us so much and he knows our potential as people and he wants to help us! We just have to let him. Then we had a lesson with the familia Manrique again about the word of wisdom and it was great. Their family is really opening up to us so we're really excited for them!
Anyway here's some pics! I hope y'all have a great week! Heavenly Father loves y'all!
Oh ps. I forgot to say we went to temple square this week too! Right before we had posole for dinner and most of the time you out lettuce in it. Lettuce and hot liquid makes you super tired, at least that's what my Mexican comp says. AND SHE WAS SO RIGHT LOL. I was sooo dead at temple square and I swear the people that we went with were speaking Chinese or something bc my brain wasn't working and I couldn't understand them lol. Learn from my mistakes and don't eat lettuce and soup before something important! Haha
Con amor,
Hermana anderson
Oquihrr mountain temple this morning!
With her dad
exchanges with messico
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