Hey y'all! This week has been great. There's so much work to do here it's crazy! I don't think I've ever been so tired in my life but I'm so halos to be out here.
Monday was a chill pday for the most part. Then we had a lesson with a new investigator we picked up last week named donisia. We taught her and her husband about the plan of salvation and it was really cool! They hadn't heard anything like this before but they loved it. Her husband also had some really interesting questions about how science and religion work together como dinosaurs, evolution of monkeys into people etc. but we told them we didn't know everything, we just had a testimony that these things were true and that we would know the mysteries of God in the end.
Tuesday we both got sick. The people we live with got some kind of stomach flu and we caught it. Not fun at all.
Wednesday it started snowing again!!!! We totally thought it was gonna be done and that spring was gonna come soon but nope. It's all good though. We've been getting ready for our English classes to start and so we've been handing out flyers and contacting everyone we possibly can about it! We're so pumped because there's a lot of people that have expressed interest. And then we had another lesson with Angelo to prepare him for his baptismal interview! They're probably my favorite family ever. Its so great to see how far that they've come! Then after them we had a lesson with maritza who's husband is baptizing her next week! We went over the plan of salvation with them and talked about how it's all because of Jesus Christ that it's all possible. He did the atonement for us so that we could repent and be better every day and in the end make it back to live with Him forever with our families!
Thursday was another chill day. We worked on finding old investigators and potentials all day and also handed out the flyers for English classes. We also ran into some really cool Dominican members as well! They go to the English ward but they gave us a ton of referrals to go see. Then we also taught Olga! She's amazing yall. We were teaching about the gospel of Jesus Christ and she had so many awesome questions about why the Catholic Church baptizes little kids and how she can feel the spirit more abundantly in her life. She's so open to learning about the gospel and really wants this for herself. So we asked her to be baptized, and since the other missionaries before pressured her a lot, she didn't want to set a date, but she definitely wanted it as a goal.
Friday we had angelos baptismal interview!! So excited for him! And then we also had a lesson with our girl Stephanie. She's progressing slowly but surely! Last week out of nowhere she had this gigantic engagement looking ring on her finger that she wouldn't rally tell us about. So we talked with her for a while and asked what she would want for her marriage, and she said she wanted god to be in the middle of it if she did get married. She said she didn't want to have to worry about money or a job or other things getting inbetween her and her spouse in the future. So we just talked about how in life in general, if you put God first, everything else will fall into place!
Saturday was angelos baptism! It was actually really stressful to get together because the people that he wanted to speak couldn't come last minute so we had to scramble to find other people pero it all worked out! And his non member dad decided to come but he was going to be late. So we tried to hold off the acutul baptism until he got there but he was too late. Kinda sad but we think he still felt the spirit. Then we had another baptism to go to that night for hermana warden in her old area! A lady that she taught on her very first day in the field got baptized and so she was really excited. There were tons of missionaries there because she'd been taught by so many, but it was such a beautiful baptismal service! They sang Joseph's smiths first prayer and it was really cool.
Sunday we had stake conference and y'all it was probably the best stake conference I've ever been to. The stake I'm in is so on top of it with organization and especially being involved with missionary work. The talks were so powerful and then the stake president had all of the recently returned missionaries get up and bare their testimonies and it was so cool. All of them focused on how they came to know of the true love that Christ has for the people of the world. And then my comp got to fulfill her mission dream of playing the harp! She's so talented and she did such a good job. Then afterwards we went to maritzas house for lunch and we had ceviche. Omg it's soooo good! It's like shrimp or crab salsa stuff on tostadas. And then maritzas sister in law drove us around and gave us like a million referrals! Soooo pumped y'all. We have so much work to do. Then we handed out some more flyers and tried to go see Liz but couldn't find her.
That's it y'all! Have a great week! Y'all are awesome!
Hermana Anderson
When you weren't expecting the snow lol
More snow